Boletín SIUN / Detalle noticia

Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME) call 2024/2025 (DAAD)

2024/07/26 / Boletín SIUN, Vicerrectoría de Investigación, UNAL

Cierre: 30 ago. 2024

PRIME is a highly competitive funding program for postdocs who plan their professional career in Germany. Applicants with above-average qualifications from all faculties may apply. They must have completed their doctorate with excellent results before the start of funding.

There are no restrictions regarding nationality and current residency. However, depending on nationality and place of residence, restrictions may apply when choosing the destination country for the stay abroad. 

The program offers:

The duration is 18 months, of which the first 12 months are spent outside Germany and the following 6 months (integration phase) are spent at a German university.

Deadline: Friday 30 August 2024

Further information: website of the program

(Euraxess LAC)

La Vicerrectoría de Investigación no tiene más información acerca de esta convocatoria distinta a la publicada en los enlaces de esta nota.

[Boletín SIUN 686, 25/26 de julio de 2024]